
Gear Emory Wanger Gear Emory Wanger

33 Miles with My Exo Mountain Gear 3500

Hiking 33 miles with any pack will quickly bring out the gear skeletons hiking in the closet.  Sure, most packs feel pretty good at first, but what about on the second long day of a hike?  How about on the third day?  Does the pack still ride the same?  Do your hips feel like someone took a bat to them?  All these questions I'd find answers to and more when I hiked the Loowit Trail with the Exo Mountain Gear 3500.

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Journal Emory Wanger Journal Emory Wanger

Loowit Trail: 2016 Circumnavigation of Mount St. Helens

Compared to my 2015 Loowit Hike, 2016 was pretty much the opposite.  Instead of low hanging clouds and cool temps, I was met with clear blue skies and 80-90 degree heat.  No matter what the conditions, the Mount St. Helens never disappoints and I think I might be even more infatuated with her now that I have two Loowit Trail hikes under my belt.

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Gear Emory Wanger Gear Emory Wanger

Kuiu Ultra 3000 Review

I've looked forward to owning a Kuiu pack for a long time.  Last fall I had the opportunity to pick on up and couldn't wait to give it a whirl.  While it's no doubt a great product, I didn't fall in love with it when I finally hit the hills for an overnighter. 

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Gear Emory Wanger Gear Emory Wanger

Seek Outside Redcliff Part 1: Maiden Voyage

Transitioning from a traditional backpacking tent to an ultralight tipi can be somewhat of a daunting task.  I've known about these tipis for a while now and had contemplated purchasing one for myself but just didn't know if I'd like not having a floor.  I continued going back and forth on the matter in my head and finally realized that if I were to spend a week in the backcountry during hunting season, I wanted to be as comfortable as possible and that was only going to happen in an ultralight tipi.  With that, I purchased the Seek Outside Redcliff and began my journey into this new style of tent living.

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Gear Emory Wanger Gear Emory Wanger

Kuiu Teton Insulated Jacket - Part 1

I don't like writing a review on a piece of gear until I've had a chance to actually use it, however I recently purchased the Kuiu Teton Insulated Jacket and can't help but write at least something about it.  We'll call this my "initial impression" of the jacket.

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Knowledge and Skills Emory Wanger Knowledge and Skills Emory Wanger

Why Your Backpack Sucks

If you currently own a backpack but have never taken the time to fit it properly to your body, there is a chance that you think your backpack sucks, or at the very least, that backpacking sucks.  Truth be told, it's probably you that is the issue, and not the pack.  

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Gear Emory Wanger Gear Emory Wanger

Kuiu Peloton 240 Full Zip Hoodie - a Must Have!

The Kuiu Peloton 240 Full Zip Hoodie has become one of my favorite pieces for backcountry hunting and backpacking. It can break the wind, give you an added layer of insulation, act as a lightweight softshell, and keep up with the toughest of hunts. After a few years of use, it’s now become a must-have!

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Gear Emory Wanger Gear Emory Wanger

Kuiu Alpine Pant

The Kuiu Alpine Pant has become one of my favorite pieces of gear to date simply because of the fit, form, and function they provide.  I've been thinking about how to discuss these pants in a way that will convey the right message so I have decided I'm going to keep it short and sweet, tell you about the features I like, and show you images that others may not show in their reviews.  If you want to know the technical specs, I suggest heading over to to learn about them.  This review will simply cover the features I like and why I like them.

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Journal Emory Wanger Journal Emory Wanger

Backcountry Blunders - Water Crossings

Nearly all of my outdoor knowledge comes from trial and error.  With this in mind, I'm going to begin writing a reoccurring post called "Backcountry Blunders" where I tell you all about how I've screwed up and what I now do to avoid making the same mistakes.  First up, "water crossings."

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Gear Emory Wanger Gear Emory Wanger

Sawyer Mini Water Filter

One of the most important ingredients of a good backcountry kit is a water filtering system.  I'll admit that prior to my Sawyer Mini, I had no experience with water filters of any kind.  There are so many designs out there to choose from such as pumps, squeeze styles, and gravity fed systems, that it can be a little overwhelming at times.  Though I haven't owned them all, I can at least speak intelligently about how my Sawyer Mini works and show you why it is I love it so much.

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Journal Emory Wanger Journal Emory Wanger

Making the Switch to Traditional Archery

I didn't know it at the time, but I wasn't getting what I needed out of shooting a compound bow.  No matter how much I would shoot, nothing seemed to excite me about it until I got it in my head that maybe I needed to change it up and try a traditional bow.  Just a handful of arrows later and I was hooked.  

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Gear Emory Wanger Gear Emory Wanger

KUIU Zip Dry Bags

I love finding ways to organize myself in the backcountry.  The Kuiu Dry Zip Bag has become a regular partner of mine in doing so and I'd highly suggest picking up some of your own.  Find out why by reading this post!

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Gear Emory Wanger Gear Emory Wanger

Exo Mountain Gear - 3500

Reviewing a backpack is a daunting task because of how complicated it can be.  There are as many packs out there as there are body types and each one serves its own specific purpose.  Some are built for ultra light hiking while others for heavy load hauling.  Some are meant for a lifetime of abuse while others will last but a few years.  If you ask my close friends, they'd tell you that I have a minor obsession with backpacks of any kind and what my obsession has taught be over the years is that unlike the Lord of the Rings, there is not one backpack to rule them all.  With that in mind, though daunting as it may be, I’m so pleased with my Exo Mountain Gear 3500 that I can't help but tell of how great it is.

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Journal Emory Wanger Journal Emory Wanger

5 Lessons Learned from 2015

Looking back on my 2015 experiences, I can't help but think of how many lessons I came away with.  Narrowing them down to 5 is going to be tough, but I'll do my best.  

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