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Field Notes Emory Wanger Field Notes Emory Wanger

Is Hunting An Art Form?

In the years since I began hunting with traditional archery equipment, I’ve had a handful of odd interactions with the non-hunter or anti-hunter. It seems that when I mention I’m hunting with a traditional bow, they pocket their views on hunting not being necessary or cruel and instead commend me for using primitive equipment.

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Field Notes Emory Wanger Field Notes Emory Wanger

Adrift: An Email Turned Essay

A reader's heartfelt essay in response to my recently published article and podcast regarding the realities of modern hunting culture. This essay originally began as a private email that I suggested should be published for all to read.

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Field Notes Emory Wanger Field Notes Emory Wanger

A Very Uncomfortable Discussion About the Reality of Modern Hunt Culture

What is the reality of hunting culture in modern times? Not what we think it is based on our own assumptions, but what it actually is based on the actions of the majority to take to the field each season. If we find that the majority of hunters knowingly operate outside the bounds of regulations and ethics, what does that mean for the future of hunting?

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Field Notes Emory Wanger Field Notes Emory Wanger

Is Adventure Photography Killing Adventure?

I’ve spent a lot of years chasing down “adventure photography” feeling both inspired at times and defeated. It’s hard not to compare your work to others when social media is littered with the “perfect” shot. What you don’t know is that those “perfect” adventure images aren’t always real.

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