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Knowledge and Skills
Practical advice, techniques, and insights to help you build confidence in the outdoors
Honest reviews, recommendations, and insights on the equipment that supports your time outside.
In-depth conversations about the outdoors with experts and enthusiasts.
Field Notes
Quick observations, experiments, and personal takeaways from time spent in the field.
Thru-Hiking vs. Section Hiking: How to Hike Long-Distance Trails
Thinking about taking on a long-distance hike but not sure if you should go all-in on a thru-hike or break it up with section hiking? In this post, I’ll walk you through the pros and cons of each option—based on personal experience—covering everything from gear choices to time commitments. By the end, you’ll have a clearer idea of which path makes the most sense for your adventure.
How To Prevent Blisters
We’ve all seen those pictures floating around the internet of toes and heels blistered so bad it turns your stomach inside out. Blisters happen to the best of us, but they are preventable and treatable if you know what you’re doing. There’s no perfect solution to blister prevention because each boot, foot, and skin type is different. It’s an exercise in finding the right combination of treatment and prevention to make your life on the mountain enjoyable for your feet.
Base Camps vs. Spike Camps and How To Choose Your Backpack Hunting Style
There are two main types of backpack hunting camps; a base camp where you return to each evening and a mobile (or spike) camp which requires you to pack up each morning and make camp each night. It’s up to you as the hunter to determine which camp is best suited for your situation and to plan your gear accordingly.
Military Grade Planning for Backpacking
Learn how to use a successful military planning framework to enhance your backpacking plans to ensure success, enjoyment, and safety.
How To Manage Trash On Your Backpack Hunt
You’ve probably prepared your gear, your meals, your weapon of choice, and your body for your upcoming backpack hunt, but are you prepared for the trash you’re going to create while you’re out there? All those meals and snacks come with a wrapper of some sort so have you thought about what you’re going to do once you’re done with them?
Water Management for Backpack Hunters
We all need water. It’s the one thing that you’ll want after a long climb up a rugged landscape and it’s the one thing that can become scarce if not managed properly. It’s important to not only know where you’re going to get your water during your hunt but also how you’re going to manage it and store it once you have it. It’s not a complicated process, but it’s one worth thinking through so you can make sure you have enough available for the duration of your hunt.
Water Filters for Backpack Hunters
If you’re going backpack hunting, you’re going to filter water at some point during your hunt. Considering that water weighs in at around 2 lbs per liter and you not only need water to drink, but water to cook with, it can add up very quickly so while you could carry all the water you need for your trip in one shot, it’s not recommended. Extra water also takes up valuable space in a pack so the more water you can filter in the backcountry, the less you have to carry with you on your back, and the more miles you can put in finding that animal of a lifetime. There are a number of different water filters on the market and a few non-filtering methods that create clean drinking water which we’ll cover in this article.
How To Choose The Right Pack Size For Your Backpack Hunt
Choosing the right pack size for your backpack hunt is has a direct impact on your overall comfort, capability, and functionality in the backcountry. Choose a pack that’s too small and you’ll be struggling to find space for what you need for your hunt and forced to strap delicate items to the outside where they’ll risk damage. Choose too large of a pack and you’ll end up overpacking, taking more than you need, and ultimately weighing yourself down without gaining much for it.
Synthetic vs. Down Insulation and How To Choose
Both down and synthetic insulations have come a long way in the last few years. They’ve improved in quality, overall weight, performance, and even affordability. Choosing which is right for you and your situation depends on a number of variables such as weather conditions, expected temperatures, hunting style, and even personal preference. Choose the right insulation type and you’ll find yourself willing to tough out those early mornings behind the glass. Choosing the wrong insulation, however, may result in an inability to effectively stay warm throughout your hunt. Staying warm on your hunt isn’t just a creature's comfort, it could be the difference between staying in the field to punch a tag or going home early.
Backpacking With Dogs: Most Frequently Asked Questions
Bailey Bremner has hiked thousands of miles with her dogs and knows a thing or two about how to make sure both you and your dog have a safe and enjoyable trip. In this article, Bailey answers the most frequently asked questions about how to backpack with a dog.
How To Avoid Blisters While Backpacking
Blisters can ruin a backpacking trip. At best they can be painful, at worst they can get infected and cause larger issues. There’s a lot you can do to prevent and mitigate blisters, so in this article, we’re going to cover a few tips and tricks to do just that!
Backpacking Advice: Less Isn't More, It's Less
When it comes to backpacking, less isn't more, it's less. The less gear you haul around, the more comfortable you'll be and the less you have to worry about keeping track of everything. You'll also increase your enjoyment and performance!
8 Tips For Making Your Bucket List Hike A Reality
Hiking is an incredible way to clear your mind, connect with nature, travel the world and stay fit. If you hit the trails regularly, you’ve probably imagined your dream hike once or twice. But as any seasoned hiker knows, it takes a lot of preparation and time to prepare for the ultimate backpacking excursion.
Backpacking and Hiking with a Baby: What We've Learned (with video!)
We’ve spent the first year of parenthood trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t when it comes to backpacking and hiking with a baby. Here’s what we’ve learned so far!
Sleeping Bags VS. Sleeping Quilts (video included!)
Sleeping bags vs. sleeping quilts? It’s the new age-old debate and one that deserves some attention. Let’s dive into the pros and cons and what you need to consider when deciding for yourself which you want to purchase - a sleeping bag or a sleeping quilt.
Gear I Ditched on the Pacific Crest Trail
Here’s all the gear ended up sending home when I hiked the Pacific Crest Trail.
What Should I Wear, Boots or Shoes?
Let’s talk about footwear: Should you wear boots or shoes?
5 Mistakes Beginner Backpackers Make
We all have to start somewhere and we all make mistakes. Lucky for you, you can learn from all of mine! Here’s my list of 5 mistakes we all tend to make when starting out.
How To Fix An Uncomfortable Backpack: A Troubleshooting Guide
A troubleshooting guide to fixing an uncomfortable backpack.
A Guide to Finding the Right Backpacking Gear
Finding the right gear for the job can be a daunting task With a little research and some forethought, you can easily identify the gear you need to bring. I’ve put together a guide to help you do just that.