8 Tips For Making Your Bucket List Hike A Reality

Hiking is an incredible way to clear your mind, connect with nature, travel the world, and stay fit. If you hit the trails regularly, you’ve probably imagined your dream hike once or twice. But as any seasoned hiker knows, it takes a lot of preparation and time to prepare for the ultimate backpacking excursion.

However, the right tools, resources, and these 8 tips can help you plan the hiking trip of your dreams.


8 Tips For Making Your Bucket List Hike A Reality

Plan an Optimal Time

If you’re planning your bucket list hike, you’ve probably been thinking about the location for a while. You may be traveling to a foreign country or exploring a new spot in your region. Regardless, it’s important to pick your spot beforehand so you’re adequately prepared for the typical weather conditions for that area, elevation, and difficulty of your hike. Also, be sure to research your trail to ensure you have all the necessary permits and permissions required to hike.

Depending on your location, you may find that there are a few different times of year that work best for your hike. Snow, rain, mud, and heat can all impact the quality of your journey, especially if you’re hiking a steeper elevation, so be sure you’ve researched your site beforehand.

Consider Your Distance

If you are planning a single-day hike or an overnight trekking trip, you’ll want to plan your route accordingly. Make sure you account for the time it takes to hike back, if necessary, and keep an eye on when the sunsets. If you’d like to factor in time to stop and enjoy the natural beauties and sites, such as waterfalls, lakes or breaks in the mountain, make sure you’ve allowed yourself enough time for that as well.

Book Your Accommodations in Advance

If you’re flying out to reach your hiking destination, make sure you’ve booked hotel rooms, transportation, and any guided hikes you’d like to take in advance. You’ll want to be fully covered and rested for your hike, and you’ll want to have a ride secured so you can get to and from your hike location easily. If you’re backpacking overnight, it’s also helpful to scope out and confirm your campsites as well.

8 Tips For Making Your Bucket List Hike A Reality

Make a Gear Checklist Before You Go

From more instinctual things like food and shelter to less obvious items like a pocket knife, flashlights, weather gear, and batteries, even the most seasoned backpackers are prone to forgetting an item or two on occasion. Spend some time before your trip making a checklist of all the gear you’ll need to pack before you go. You can also download camping lists online if you’re worried about forgetting something.

Prepare For the Unexpected

No one wants to imagine themselves in an emergency situation, especially when you’re out in the wilderness with limited access to modern technology or civilization. However, your bucket list hike will be much more enjoyable if you know that you’re prepared for any situation. Pack a first aid kit and a GPS device to help you navigate quickly in a pinch. It’s also important to let someone back home know where you are and your agenda, just in case someone needs to send help. There are also personal tracking devices available on the market if you want to be extra safe.

8 Tips For Making Your Bucket List Hike A Reality

Determine Your Dream Team

Are you a solo hiker, or do you prefer to have some company? When planning your bucket list hike, the people you’re with can make or break your experience. Consider everyone’s schedules, experience, stamina, and individual goals when determining your group. Some may be interested in the sites, while others are more concerned with the exercise aspect. If you’re hiking with your family and kids, it can also impact your choice of trail. Regardless, your dream team may be the very thing that makes this hike your ultimate adventure!

Make It Memorable

Whether you’re into adventure photography or you’d rather live in the moment, there are always ways to make your backpacking trip memorable. Some trails have spots where you can jump from a cliff into the lake, explore caves or swim under waterfalls. Or, perhaps you’ve always wanted to read your favorite book along your dream trail or yell as loud as you can from the peak of a mountain. Find a way to personalize your trip and it will be an experience you’ll never forget.

Final Thoughts

As you practice and prepare for your hikes, and as you backpack your way through the world’s greatest sites, keep these tips in mind and you’ll be sure to have a safe and successful trip every single time.



Alex Gillespie

Alex Gillespie loves adventure and is always planning her next hiking or camping trip. She loves to write about her tips and tricks for other adventure-seekers. When she's not hiking, she's painting or hanging out with her dog, Cooper.

Emory Wanger

Emory is the creator of By Land and is passionate about helping others find the adventures they’re looking for.


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