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Podcast Emory Wanger Podcast Emory Wanger

From 100 Miles to Full-time Creator

Chad Lubinski joins the podcast to share his journey of becoming an experienced thru-hiker, ultra-runner, and outdoor content creator. Our conversation ranged from the surprising controversy over waterfalls to navigating life’s pivotal moments and finding purpose in the outdoors.

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Gear Emory Wanger Gear Emory Wanger

Behind the Design with Exo Mountain Gear

Steve Speck and Mark Huelsing of Exo Mountain Gear join me for a behind-the-scenes look at their newest pack design; the K4. After over three years in development and a decade of pack-building experience, the K4 is a finely tuned design and the best pack Exo has designed.

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Gear Emory Wanger Gear Emory Wanger

Floorless vs. Floored Shelters for Backpack Hunting

Floorless vs. floored shelters; the new “age old question” that has floored backpack hunters since the beginning of time. Depending on where you live, where you’re hunting, what your willing to sleep with or not sleep with, and what weather is headed your way, you’re going to find yourself considering which type of shelter to haul with you into the backcountry. In recent years, floorless has become a staple in the backcountry for a number of reasons, yet traditional floored shelters still have their place in the backcountry. If you’re caught trying to decide which is right for you, this article is going to help you out.

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Field Notes Emory Wanger Field Notes Emory Wanger

Is Hunting An Art Form?

In the years since I began hunting with traditional archery equipment, I’ve had a handful of odd interactions with the non-hunter or anti-hunter. It seems that when I mention I’m hunting with a traditional bow, they pocket their views on hunting not being necessary or cruel and instead commend me for using primitive equipment.

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Field Notes Emory Wanger Field Notes Emory Wanger

Adrift: An Email Turned Essay

A reader's heartfelt essay in response to my recently published article and podcast regarding the realities of modern hunting culture. This essay originally began as a private email that I suggested should be published for all to read.

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