Backpack Hunting

The Ultimate Backcountry Hunting Experience

If you like backpacking, hunting, adventure, and solitude, you might consider taking the road less traveled and diving headlong into this soon-to-be addiction.


What is Backpack Hunting?
Why Backpack Hunting?
Connecting with the Backcountry
Learning to Backpack Hunt
What to Bring On a Backpack Hunt

Traditional bowhunter backpack hunting

What Is Backpack Hunting?

Pair together a backpacking trip and hunting and you have an idea of what backpack hunting is. It offers the chance to pursue wild game in solitude miles from the trailhead without having to return to your vehicle each evening. Whether you’re 1 mile from the trailhead or 15, hunting from a backpack is a unique experience that is both challenging and freeing.

Why Backpack Hunting?

I always felt as though my time was extremely short each hunting season and I wanted to hunt places that just couldn’t be reached if I was only out for the day.

What hunting from a backpack offers you is the ability to stay out overnight in the area you want to hunt. You can save yourself time, miles, and energy by not having to return to a base camp each evening for food and rest. Instead, you simply pitch your camp where you are at the end of the day, and when you wake up in the morning, you’re ready to continue the hunt.

warming up by the fire on a backpack hunt
Enjoying the view while backpack hunting

Connecting With The Backcountry

Backpack hunting connects you even more with those wild places you love so much because you become part of the environment in a unique way.

It’s challenging, heartbreaking, exhausting, while also one of the most exhilarating things you could do.

Once you go down the path of backpack hunting, the difference is astounding. It’s literally a game-changer and each time you do it, you’ll learn more than you ever thought you could.

Morning fog on a backpack hunt

Learning To Backpack Hunt

Hunting from a backpack is a continuous process of revising your skills and trying new things. There’s no “one-stop-shop” for all knowledge, instead, it’s spread out amongst those who are willing to share what they’ve learned.

Backpack hunting requires you to marry two completely separate skill sets; backpacking and hunting, both of which can be challenging in their own right.

Because of when the general hunting seasons occur, it’s imperative that you have the basic skills required to ensure a safe hunt when backpacking into the wilderness during the fall. You not only owe it to yourself and your family to return home safely, but you owe it to the animal you’re hunting to bring your harvest home as efficiently as possible so nothing goes to waste.

Game planning for the hunt
Sneaking up a ridge on a backpack hunt

Want to Learn More About Backpack Hunting?

Check out these hunting-related articles to learn more!